Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wheel of Chance - Quilt Block Tutorial (method 1)

Ammie's Wheel of Chance

 This is Ammie's version of Wheel of Chance. (If you are looking for another way to sew this block, look here for method 2)

Read through all the directions before you start. If you have a different way of making half-square triangles your fabric cuts will be different than the ones listed below. You can find other ways to make half-square triangles here and here.

Cut from background fabric
Eight 3 3/8" x 3 3/8" squares

Cut from main fabric
Eight 3 3/8" x 3 3/8" squares
Eight 2 1/2" x 5 1/2" rectangles

Cut from contrast fabric
(or background fabric)
Eight 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" square

Here is Ammie's layout for cutting.
Best way to cut the fabric

Lay fabric right sides together and cut one strip 3 3/8" x 22", and one strip 5" x 22"
Cut the 3 3/8" x 22" strip into 6 squares. You should end up with 6 background colored squares and 6 main print squares because the original cut you made went through two pieces of fabric.
From the the 4" x 22" strip cut 2 more 3 3/8" squares (you'll have to trim one side because you started with a 4" strip).

You now should have (8) 3 3/8" squares of each color. Set them aside while you finish cutting the rest of the pieces.

Ammie chose the main fabric for her cross in the middle of the block, you can choose either the dark or the light because you have a 4" strips of both.

Cutting the 'cross' in the middle using main print
From the main print, cut (2) 5" x 5 1/2" rectangles.
Slice those in half so you have (4) 2 1/2" x 5 1/2" rectangles.

Cutting the center square
The center square is cut 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" from either the background fabric or a contrasting fabric. (Ammie's chosen a contrasting fabric for hers).

This is what you should have all cut out.
Making the half-square triangle sub-units
 You can use whatever method of making half-square triangles you are comfortable with. You might have to change how you cut out the fabric if you choose a different method than the one Ammie chose. You can look here and here for other ways to make half-square triangles.

Mark a diagonal line through the center of each background 3 3/8" square.
Place background and main fabric squares right sides together.

Sew a scant 1/4" seam on both sides of the drawn line.

Cut on line.

Press open. Press half the blocks towards the main fabric and half the blocks towards the background fabric. This will make it much easier as you sew the half-square triangles together because your seams will nest.
If you pressed half your seam allowances towards the background fabric, and half towards the main fabric, lay out your half-square triangles with the seams facing the direction of the arrows. This will make the seams nest as you sew them together.
 Sew the top two triangles together first to form a flying geese unit. Then sew the bottom two triangles together to form a diagonal strip unit.

Press them with seams going in opposite directions so they nest.

Sew the two units together to form a square. It should measure 5 1/2" square.

Lay your block units out and place them in the correct orientation.
Sew your rows together into three strips. Press towards your main fabric (or the 2 1/2" strips if you chose a different color.)
Sew your rows together and press your finished block.

Ammie says to give yourself a pat on the back because you finished your block!
 Thanks for coming to help us Ammie!

As always, if you have any questions feel free to either leave a comment or email and we'll do our best to answer.

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